
Your good friend

Ask yourself, what is friend? Yes, around us is our friends. But they may not our real friends. The real friend is a person who has good wish to us. Beside this that is not your real friend.

It is not easy to find the real friend throughout your life. The reason is because of you that behave differently from others.

If you cannot find any good friend, I suggest you that you yourself are a good freind. MAKE YOURSELF to be your good friend by doing a good thing. Sure, you may stay and do alone. You may feel lonely because you have no any person to speak to. However, staying alone is a good way to practice yourself in some skills that may be useful for your life. Those skills that have been trained well in some periods of time will benifit for your life.

I have learnt that my good friend is myself. I have trained myself on useful skills that may help me for living in the future. I read and I further study. I have earned my life or sometime controlled myself by walking on right way; my life never falls. On the other hand, it goes high and high.

Learn to know yourself, you will be like me.

Good luck.